Extract from high resolution satellite image (satellite in false colour) Digital classification of land use map Examples of 'Layers' of data in geospatial databank
Amtec Resources
Management Group LTD
Email: info@armg.ch



Country/Area : GUINEA, 245,957 Sq. Km

Client : Ministry of Mines & Geology/Multi-Ministerial
National Digital Cartographic Mapping Project & development of geospatial databank
Project scale 1:200,000 on a nationwide basis, utilising Geographic Information system data layer, to form a multi-disciplinary geospatial databank. Initial phase for a nationwide Geospatial Databank.

Country/Area : GUINEA, 245,957 Sq. Km

Client : Ministry of Mines & Geology
Integrated Digital Resources Evaluation
Nation-wide airborne magnetic and radio-metric digital data acquisition. Processing and interpretation of the results have been integrated into a digital Landsat study and ground follow-up investigation for uranium and base and precious metals. Aerial photography at 1:30,000 scale covering the whole of Guinea. Initial phase for the development of a nationwide Geospatial Databank.

Country/Area : GUINEA, 31,000 Sq. Km

Client : Ministry of Mines & Geology
Offshore High Sensitivity Magnetometer
Digital data acquisition using Texas Instruments helium magnetometer and Syledis radio positioning system. Production of contour maps with interpreted basement depths and structures in digital format. Regional data layer for a nationwide Geospatial Databank.

Country/Area : KENYA, 54,000 Sq. Km

Client : Ministry of Environment& Natural Resources/EU
Regional Mineral Exploration
Airborne magnetic, radiometric and VLF digital data acquisition of the Kerio Valley. Data processing and interpretation, presentation of 12 different map types at scales of 1:50,000 and 1:125,000. Regional data layer for a nationwide Geospatial Databank.

Country/Area : TANZANIA, 36,000 Sq. Km

Client : Ministry of Water, Energy & Minerals
Detailed Airborne Geophysics for Diamond, Nickel and Uranium Exploration
Three different areas for uranium exploration were flown at 250 m line spacing. The results were processed and interpreted. Detailed airborne geophysics was also undertaken in the region of the Mwadui diamond field and over the Kabanga ultramafic intrusions. Regional data layer for a nationwide Geospatial Databank.

Country/Area : TANZANIA, 8,000 Sq. Km

Client : Ministry of Water, Energy & Minerals
Base and Precious Metal Exploration
A total of 28,000 line km were flown by a helicopter equipped with both magnetometer and Geonic's 33/2 EM system. The digital analyses successfully identified mineralisation of base metal for follow-up geology, geochemistry and drilling. Regional data layer for a nationwide Geospatial Databank.

Country/Area : UGANDA, 118,000 Sq. Km

Client : Ministry of Land & Natural Resources
Integrated Digital Resources Evaluation
Regional aero-magnetic, radiometric and VLF digital data acquisition of southern Uganda. The project involved processing and interpretation of all results at 1:100,000 scale with a regional compilation at 1:500,000. Regional data layer for a nationwide Geospatial Databank.

Country/Area : ZAMBIA, 70,000 Sq. Km

Client : European Mining Company
Uranium Exploration
Detailed airborne digital data acquisition using both proton magnetometer and spectrometer with 2048 cu. inches crystal volume. Map presentation at 1:50,000 scale for different radiometric parameters. Regional data layer for a nationwide Geospatial Databank.

Country/Area : ZAMBIA, 150,000 Sq. Km

Client : Ministry of Mines/World Bank
Hydrocarbon Exploration
High sensitivity aeromagnetic digital data acquisition over the sedimentary basins of Zambia using Texas Instruments ASQ 81 helium magnetometer. Processing and presentation of various contour and profile maps at 1:250,000 scale. Regional data layer for a nationwide Geospatial Databank.

Country/Area : ZIMBABWE, 70,000 Sq. Km

Client : European Mining Company
Uranium Exploration
Digital data acquisition using both proton magnetometer and 2048 cu. inches crystal volume spectrometer. Data processing and presentation at 1:50,000 and 1:250,000 scales Regional data layer for a nationwide Geospatial Databank.

Country/Area : KENYA, 13,000 Sq. Km

Client : Union Oil
Geophysical Survey
High sensitivity aeromagnetic survey off-shore for oil prospecting. Detailed data layer for a nationwide Geospatial Databank.

Country/Area : SUDAN, 4,500 Sq. Km

Client : Robertson Research International
Mineral Exploration
Magnetic and radiometric digital data acquisition acquired in three areas. The purpose of the survey was to detect uranium mineralisation and to map alteration zones of tin bearing acid intrusive complexes. The survey equipment comprised of Geometric's G813 proton magnetometer and Urtec Spectrometer with 3072 cu. inches crystal pack. Detailed digital analyses within a regional geological environment.

Country/Area: NORTH & SOUTH YEMEN, 167,400 Sq Km

Client : Yemeni Joint Directorate for Natural Resources
Digital Airborne Geophysical Survey
Complete airborne magnetic coverage of both North and South Yemen and compilation of unified magnetic maps at 1:250,000 scale. The border zone, between N. and S. Yemen was covered by magnetic and radiometric helicopter survey with selected areas detailed for helicopter EM survey. Data layer for a nationwide Geospatial Databank.

Country/Area: NORTH SEA UK WATERS, 1,000 Sq Km

Client : Superior Oil (UK) Ltd
"NEWMAG" Survey
Survey involved reprocessing and interpretation of 1,000 line km of marine magnetic data with NewMag software (under licence from Applied Geophysics Inc., Salt Lake City, USA). Detailed digital analyses in order to obtain structural information and to delineate the distribution of volcanic horizons within the sedimentary sequence.

Country/Area: BOTSWANA, 72,000 Sq Km

Client : EU/Ministry of Mines & Geology
Airborne Geophysical Survey
The purpose of the survey was to complete the airborne magnetic coverage of Botswana and to provide complete digital data for mineral exploration. The survey equipment was a high sensitivity VARIAN magnetometer V201. Data layer for a nationwide Geospatial Databank.

Country/Area: GUINEA, 120,000 Sq Km

Client : Ministry of Mines & Geology
Uranium Exploration
Detailed ground follow-up of airborne radio-metric anomalies confirmed the presence of uranium mineralisation in different areas of the country. Methods used were geological mapping, ground geophysics, geochemistry and pitting and trenching. The targets are being explored in detail by an international consortium. Data layer for a nationwide Geospatial Databank.

Country/Area: KENYA, 20,000Sq. Km.

Client : Ministry of Mines & Geology
Gold and Base Metal Exploration
Detailed ground geophysical (pulse EM, gravity and magnetic) surveys over the Migori greenstone belt in western Kenya defined target zones for drilling. Detailed regional data layer for a nationwide Geospatial Databank.

Country/Area: KENYA, 25,000 Sq. Km.

Client : Ministry of Mines & Geology
Massive Sulphide Exploration
Detailed ground geophysical (pulse EM, gravity and magnetic) surveying over a massive pyrite deposit in western Kenya produced positive definition of mineralised zones and of geological structure. Data layer for a nationwide Geospatial Databank.

Country/Area: TANZANIA, 50,000 Sq. Km.

Client : Ministry of Water, Energy & Minerals
Ground Truth Investigations of Airborne Magnetic Anomalies
Geological, geophysical and geochemical prospecting of magnetic anomalies in northern Tanzania for base metal and Ni-Cu-Pb mineralisation. Data layer for a nationwide Geospatial Databank.

Country/Area: TANZANIA, 35,000 Sq. Km.

Client : Ministry of Water, Energy & Minerals
Ground Follow-Up of Mbuga-Related Anomalies
Ground geophysics, geology and pitting of Mbuga (seasonal swamp) related anomalies. Detailed investigations established the origin and nature of the uranium mineralisation. Data layer for a nationwide Geospatial Databank.

Country/Area: TANZANIA, 12,000 Sq. Km.

Client : Ministry of Water, Energy & Minerals
Diamond Exploration
Ground follow-up of detailed airborne geophysics confirmed the presence of numerous kimberlite pipes in the Mwadui diamond field. Data layer for a nationwide Geospatial Databank.

Country/Area: TANZANIA, 8,000 Sq. Km.

Client : Ministry of Water, Energy & Minerals
Base and Precious Metal Exploration
Detailed geological mapping, sampling geochemistry, pitting and drilling of the Nzega, Geita and Igunga greenstone belts in the Archean craton of northern Tanzania produced positive results. Data layer for a nationwide Geospatial Databank.

Country/Area: TANZANIA, 12,000 Sq. Km.

Client : Ministry of Water, Energy & Minerals
Exploration of the Lufusi Cooper Prospect
Detailed ground geophysics and geochemical soil. Sampling of the area outlined new areas for potential Cr and Ni mineralisation in the vicinity of the Cu bearing ultramafic body. Data layer for a nationwide Geospatial Databank.

Country/Area: EGYPT & SUDAN, 92,000 Sq. Km.

Client : United Nations
Integrated Landsat Interpretation & Mineral Exploration
Production of computer enhanced Landsat images and mosaics for the United Nations mineral exploration of the Egypt/Sudan area. Project includes Landsat interpretation followed by ground reconnaissance. Geo-logical interpretation maps presented at 1:250,000 scale together with report. Preparation of an atlas of thematic maps at 1:1,000,000 scale. Data layer for a nationwide Geospatial Databank.

Country/Area: GUINEA, 245,957 Sq. Km.

Client : Ministry of Mines & Geology
Mineral Potential Assessment
Landsat interpretation of whole country for mineral and hydrocarbon assessment. Results presented in report together with a 1:500,000 scale Landsat interpretation map. Data layer for a nationwide Geospatial Databank.

Country/Area: KENYA, 48,000 Sq. Km.

Client : Ministry of Environment & Natural Resources
Digital Landsat Interpretation for Natural Resources Assessment
Geological interpretation of computer enhanced Landsat imagery of the Kerio Valley area, western Kenya. Part of an integrated study with airborne geophysics to identify exploration target zones for minerals, ground water reservoirs and geothermal sources. Data layer for a nationwide Geospatial Databank.

Country/Area: SAUDI ARABIA, 270,000 Sq. Km.

Client : Deputy Ministry of Mineral Resources
Solid Colour Contour Geophysical Maps
Production of nine types of digitally processed coloured geophysical maps. Maps presented at 1:250,000 scale for a pilot interpretation study over sedimentary cover rocks flanking the Arabian Shield. Data layer for a nationwide Geospatial Databank.

Country/Area: TANZANIA, 945,000 Sq. Km.

Client : Ministry of Energy & Minerals
Nation-wide Natural Resources Assessment
Nation-wide Landsat interpretation. Results were integrated with those of the countrywide aeromagnetic and radiometric digital data acquisition. Data layer for a nationwide Geospatial Databank.

Country/Area: TANZANIA, 240,000 Sq. Km.

Client : Ministry of Energy & Minerals
Diamond Exploration
Digital Landsat interpretation of the 500 km long Tanzania diamond belt for diamond exploration. Results were integrated with those of a detailed airborne magnetic survey and covered a total area of 240,000 sq. km. Data layer for a nationwide Geospatial Databank.

Country/Area: ZAIRE, 3,500,000 Sq. Km.

Client : PNC Japan
Uranium Potential Assessment - Congo Basin
The project comprised a literature review, geological synthesis and digital Landsat interpretation of 3.5 million sq. km, with designation of exploration areas for uranium exploration. Area covered included Zaire and parts of neighbouring countries. Basis input for a nationwide Geospatial Databank.

Country/Area: ZAMBIA, 20,000 Sq. Km.

Client : Saarberg-Interplan Uran GmbH
Uranium Exploration
Comprehensive interpretation of computer enhanced Landsat images, followed by interactive digital image processing and selection of uranium targets. Basis input for a nationwide Geospatial Databank.

Country/Area: SOMALIA, 726,000 Sq. Km.

Client : USAID
Production of Landsat Atlas of Thematic Maps for Natural Resources of the Juba Valley
Preparation of 40 map sheets at 1:200,000 scale from the digital interpretation of Landsat imagery. Map themes comprised digitally rectified satellite image maps, geological, soils, land use classification and ground-water potential maps. Used as an information base for detailed soil surveys of the Baardheere dam site. Data layer for a nationwide Geospatial Databank.

Country/Area: NORTH & SOUTH YEMEN, 537,000 Sq. Km.

Client : Yemeni Joint Directorate for Natural Resources
Integrated Digital Satellite Mapping for Natural Resources Assessment
Production of unified topographical, geological, tectonic, hydro-geological and volcanic /earthquake risk maps from satellite imagery. Production of 35 rectified satellite image map sheets at 1:250,000 scale with thematic maps presented at various scales between 1:250,000 and 1:1,000,000. Final results published in an atlas of coloured maps and a report. Data layer for a nationwide Geospatial Databank.

Country/Area: BOLIVIA, 100,000 Sq. Km.

Client : United Nations, New York
Integrated Detailed Analysis of the Cocha-bamba Basin
Comprehensive interpretation of aerial photography, ground control and interactive mapping for flood studies prior to damming.

Country/Area: CANADA, 250,000 Sq. Km.

Client : Canadian Oil Corp. Alberta
Oil and Gas Exploration Over Selective Sedimentary Basins
Geological interpretation of computer enhanced Landsat imagery integrated with high sensitivity aeromagnetic digital data acquisition. Data layer for a nationwide Geospatial Databank.

Country/Area: ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, WALES and IRELAND, 10,000 Sq. Km.

Client : Ordnance Survey, various Irish & English Borough and County Councils
Several Mapping Projects, Site Investigations and Revision of Existing Mapping
Ground control, aerial triangulation, photogrammetric mapping and field verification. Presentation of digitised master survey documents at various scales from 1:500 to 1:6,000, using Intergraph workstations. Detailed regional data layer input for a nationwide Geospatial Databank.


Client : Group of Private Investors
Production of a Computer Database Covering the Potential for Alluvial Gold in Islamic Countries
Project executed in association with Behre Dolbear and Company Inc., and Torries and Associates.


Client : Various
Nation-wide Economic Development Forecast, Resource Evaluations and Economic Modelling
Interactive computer based analysis taking into account modern exploration parameters, digitised remote sensing data, ground and airborne geophysics, input-output tables and historical data.